
Sunday, December 30, 2012

35 Weeks...5 to go!

Week: 35

Size (according to  A honey dew (18 inches and over 5 lbs)

Total Weight gain:  14 lbs….feels like 40 

Physically, I'm feeling:  Massive.  I know that I’m not and even if I was I’m almost 9 months pregnant so that’s ok…blah, blah, blah…but I’m starting to understand why everyone seems to reach that point where she is simply over being pregnant.  I’m not quite there yet….still determined to have a February (not a January) baby.  It’s just plain weird to have a hard time doing simple things like putting lotion on my legs, you know? 

Emotionally, I'm feeling:  I’ve been pretty anxious this week and I don’t know why.  It’s similar to the first trimester worries all over again (Is everything ok? What was that cramp? Why haven’t I felt him yet today?  Now he's moving too he being strangled by the umbilical cord? Should I really be peeing this much? etc., etc., etc.).  Thankfully, I have nothing to be worried about, but being this close to the finish line makes me terrified that something is going to fuck up right at the end.  I guess I’m just ready to meet him, take a big sigh of relief, and immediately start a whole new set of worries.

Sleep:  OK, I guess.  I’ve had trouble falling asleep a few nights this week, but I’m not overly tired during the day so I can’t complain.

Baby's Movement:  Still less than it was a few weeks ago, but that’s to be expected.  I have a doctor’s appointment this week.  I’m not sure if he’ll be able to tell me if the babe is head down, sideways, or breech yet, but I really hope so.  I honestly have no clue where he is or what position he’s in.  I hear some women saying things like “Oh her elbow is here and her head is here…” but I have no clue.  I think I felt hiccups down low so maybe that means head down?

What I'm nervous about:   My productivity the next few weeks at work.  I plan to work until “game time,” but I’m so disinterested lately that it’s hard to get focused on anything work related.  There’s a lot I need to do between now and February so that everything is taken care of while I’m gone.  Let’s hope I will actually do it and not spend an hour (or four hours) looking for an orange lamp (or some other incredibly critical matter).  Bottomline, think productive thoughts for me.

What I'm excited about:  2013 is almost here!  2012 had its good moments, but it was also a year I’ll be happy to put it behind me.  Plus, it’s totally insane that by Tuesday when someone asks me when I’m due I can say, “Next month.”  Whoa.

Anything else?:  Bud and I both have a fire under our ass lately and have been super productive.  This weekend we’ve cleaned out the guest room closet, fixed the garage door hinge, assembled the new vacuum, organized the laundry room, and built a bookcase for the nursery that I bought last week.  Check it out:

I'll do a better nursery tour with detail pictures once it's done, but you can at least see our handy work with this pic.  By the way, these baby toys are TORTURING poor Uma.

Important question, everyone.  What color crib sheets should I go with?  Here are the options:  Navy Blue or Turquoise?  We have both colors in the room so I think both will work and I’m just stuck on which one to get.  Thoughts?

And yes....before anyone points it out...having orange and blue be the color scheme of a room in this 'Nole girl's house makes me itchy so I always like to say it's burnt orange and various shades of blue.


  1. great job on the looks great! why not go with navy sheets and turquoise sheets, just to change it up every once in a while for the little guy. :-) good luck with the productivity at work...that must be why people start maternity leave 6 weeks before the due date over here in germany. :-) love you guys! happy new year!!!!!!

  2. I vote turquoise. Nursery looks amazing!!
