
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The One When Katie Goes to the Doctor For No Reason

I had an unexpected trip to see my doctor yesterday.  The final result (sorry for the spoiler) is that everything is totally fine and I have one healthy, active boy in there.  But let's step back for a sec.

When I laid down on Sunday night to go to sleep I started having sharp abdominal pains.  It's hard to describe any other way except that it felt like I was kicked in the stomach really hard.  It felt almost like I was bruised, but obviously I wasn't.  It kept me up a lot of the night and was still painful in the morning.  Just to be safe, Bud asked that I call the doctor so I did and just to be safe, they wanted to see me.  There's a lot of "just to be safe" during pregnancy.

I felt silly going in, but I'm glad I did for peace of mind.  It was worrying me so why not get it checked?  Long story short, it was Braxton Hicks and ligament pain from over-doing it on Sunday.  This is a big old "I told you so" moment from my better half, but thankfully he hasn't said that yet.  I guess yard work is off limits for the next few months.*  Bud really did not want me helping him on Sunday, but I insisted because we had a big project that we needed to tackle.  I honestly didn't do anything too strenuous, but I think the heat (it was about 115 degrees out, give or take a few degrees) and humdity (Bud had to change clothes midway through because the sweat was so bad) wore me out.

So the doctor's appointment was all good news.  I got another ultrasound which was fun and yes, I asked the doctor to reconfirm that the baby is a boy.  Pretty sure that's the first doctor's appointment I've ever been in where the word "testicles" was used.

Let's just hope that this hasn't been added to my chart:

* It should be noted that I help in the yard approximately 4 times a year so this isn't a big loss for Bud. 

1 comment:

  1. A) I love your blog. I love that it's "salty"
    B) If you're wondering why your blog stats BLEW UP the last 2 days, it's because I'm a moron & can't figure out how to successfully scroll thru a blog on my phone without clicking on the same post 15 times.
    C) I call bullshit on that fine novel's price tag. Only 35 cents? Puleeze.
