
Sunday, January 6, 2013

36 Weeks...4 to go!


Size (according to  A crenshaw melon (18.5 inches and over 6 lbs).  What the hell is a crenshaw melon?? 

Total Weight gain:  16 lbs…told ya the weight would come.  This could also be attributed to the crap I’ve been eating lately and lack of exercise/movement.  Time to clean up the diet, but it’s easier said than done.

Physically, I'm feeling:  Eh…the only way I can describe it is that I feel like I’m 9 months pregnant.  I’m mostly ok, but my back gets crazy sore pretty quickly so I’m trying to stay off my feet.  It’s funny how quickly this happened.  Two weeks ago walking the dogs, cleaning the house, etc. didn’t really bother me, but now it’s definitely noticeable.  Pathetic, but manageable because there’s officially a countdown (27ish days!) and then this will start to get better.

Surprisingly, sitting in one position for a long time is just as painful/uncomfortable as walking around.  Eight hours at my desk is a killer.  If I don’t get up to stretch or move I’ll get a rock hard stomach from Braxton Hicks.  Ouch!

Basically, I’m Goldilocks.  Too much movement, I’m uncomfortable.  Too little movement, I’m uncomfortable.  Welcome to month nine, I guess.

Emotionally, I'm feeling:  Excited!  I have to keep reminding myself that I still could have 4 to 6 weeks left to go and not to get ahead of myself.  Yes we still have some stuff to organize, buy, put away, etc., but for the mostly part we are ready. 

Sleep:  Good this week until last night when I barely slept at all for absolutely no good reason.  Last time I saw the clock it was 3:25 am.  Pregsomia at its finest. 

I’ve been having very vivid dreams this week which have been entertaining.  I’ve had two dreams where I only have one arm, a dream where I have 3 sons named Dylan, Pascoe, and Pasquale, a dream were I get into a fight with Bud because he threw away everything that was in our guest room, and on and on.  So random and funny.

Baby's Movement:  A little less of the big movements, but he’ll still get squirmy a couple times a day.  He’s also been getting the hiccups more and more.  Three times in one day has been our max so far, but he’s already had them twice today and it’s only 3:00 pm so we’ll see.  I’m hoping that means he’s practicing breathing and will come out screaming.

What I'm nervous about:   I start weekly “pants off” doctor’s appointments this week.  I don’t care how much you love your gyno, pants off doctor’s appointments are never fun.  I’m not going to update the blog-world about my lady bits, don’t worry.  Some things are best left unsaid, amiright or amiright?      

What I'm excited about:  Finalizing things in the nursery.  I love our little guy’s room and am so excited it’s almost done.  We are still waiting for the rocker/ottoman and some decorations we ordered online to come in, but it’s getting close. 

Anything else?:  Both of Bud’s sisters did a baby pool when they were pregnant and I loved it so I just started one.  It only takes a second so I hope you’ll do it.  No pressure, but all the guesses are going in the baby book.  Click "Join" in the upper right corner.  You can login with your facebook ID or create a new login.  Winner gets to be the baby’s favorite person for the first year of his life.  Needless to say, I really hope I win!  (Tip: Turn off the email preferences unless you really want to be notified every time someone makes a guess)

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