
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Seven Already?

Happy 7th Birthday to the little blonde who made me a mom, Uma!

Seven year olds also need to be burped after breakfast

Seven years ago you were born on a farm in Kansas and I was still living in Tallahassee getting ready to move back to Jax and marry your dad.  Once I got to Jacksonville our top priority was expanding our family with Golden Retriever puppy. One night in early June 2006 I was looking at wedding stuff online and somehow landed on a dog website.  I saw a Goldendoodle listed right beside our beloved Golden Retriever. Then it suddenly hit me…I will probably have this puppy when we have a human child. What will I do if s/he is allergic? After panicking for about 5 seconds I scrapped the Golden Retriever idea completely and fell head over heels for Doodles. Dad thought I was completely nuts at first, but gradually opened up to the idea.  About a week later I found you.  At 12 weeks old, you made your way to Florida on July 6, 2006. I loved you the second I saw your face.

Day One:  You made yourself right at home

What you love: cheese, peanut butter, anything that smells girly, barking out the window at passersby, wrestling/nibbling with your sister, getting kissed and refusing to give kisses, laying behind the rocking chair in John’s room, your NY Giants jersey, walks, car rides, being brushed, and finally your all time favorite – being chased.

What you don’t love: getting kicked out of bed/off the couch/out of John’s room, getting your ears cleaned, getting yelled at to be quiet, and our neighbors’ dogs.

But even those things that you don’t love you take in stride because you are so incredibly sweet and loving. Your personality fills our house in the best possible way. You’re a great older sister and a kind soul. If I could keep you at this age the rest of your life I would.

I didn’t have any doubts that you’d be great with John.  You watch him like a hawk and will always be right next to me when I carry him around.  I know you haven’t gotten as much attention from me the past couple months, but your dad and I have worked very hard to make life as normal as possible for you and June.  I hope you know that you’ll always be our first born and that we wouldn’t be the parents we are to John without the love and patience we learned from parenting you.

Thank you, sweet girl, and Happy 7th Birthday!


  1. Add to the dislike list: Nubbie jumping on the screen and taunting Uma.

    This post just made me cry. So sweet!!
