
Monday, April 1, 2013

Doctor Visit - 2 Month Check-up

John had his 2 month doctor’s appointment today.  He hadn’t been to a doctor since he was 2 weeks old so it was kind of nice to go and hear nothing but good news.  We’ve managed to keep the boy developmentally and physically perfect on our own for 8 weeks. 

John is adorably short and stout.  He weighs 14 lbs, 9 ozs (85th percentile), is 22 inches long (25th percentile) and his head is still huge (90th percentile).  The doctor is fairly confident that (a) he’s probably longer than what we were able to measure because he wouldn’t let her really stretch his legs and (b) that a major growth spurt is on the horizon.  I’m terrified for the growth spurt.

The 2 month appointment also meant the beginning of his infant vaccinations.  I’ve been dreading this appointment and so happy that Bud was able to come with us.  My poor boy fell sound asleep after the doctor left and before the nurse came in to administer the shots.  I really can’t imagine a worse way to be woken up.  Poor baby.  He left with 3 Band-Aids on his thunder-thighs.

Doesn't know what's coming

He screamed  and his big blue eyes welled up with tears during the shots, but he settled down almost immediately when Bud scooped him up.  We’ll keep careful watch to see if a fever develops, but were told that he’ll most likely be either extra sleepy or extra fussy for the rest of the day.  Besides waking up to eat, he’s been asleep ever since we got home.

Cuddles with Papa make everything better

For us, there was no debate whether or not to vaccinate John, but I have to admit that I had a pit in my stomach for a week leading up to this appointment.  I have to have confidence that they are safe and that my children will be much better off with the vaccinations than they would be without them, but it’s just so tough to think about injecting my baby with anything.  At this point he’s just so pure so putting something besides breast milk into him feels unnatural.  I’m so thankful that these vaccines exist and that I don’t have to worry about John contracting Polio, Whopping Cough, Meningitis, etc. but I don’t think I’ll ever look forward to these appointments.


  1. Those are two of the sweetest pictures I've seen to date. Poor baby.

  2. Can you imagine the shouting Allyson must've done when she had to get her vaccinations as a child? Hahaha. Glad to hear John won't be contracting polio any time soon. Adorable pics.

  3. Oh my goodness, I just love your blog. I love seeing this little man! He is so perfect! Kate, I thought he was looking like you for awhile but in these pics he looks just like his Papa!! love you guys!
