
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eight Months Old!

Happy 8 month birthday, beautiful boy!

sorry for the dingus bangs...he had just woken up from a nap

Confession…I had to ask 3 times if I had eight spelled correctly.  Man, I hope that this kid gets Bud’s spelling abilities.  Otherwise he is screwed.  For the record, it was spelled correctly.  Maybe I just hope that John gets Bud’s spelling confidence.

Anyway, spelling confusion aside, this has been a great month for our little man.  He is officially a crawler which is equally adorable and exhausting (for both of us).  Gone are the days when he’d happily sit and play with toys.  He is now on the move every waking minute.  It’s so cute because it’s made him and Uma even closer friends.  Uma’s favorite thing in the world is being chased and now she has yet another person to chase her.  Here’s a little video of what I watch all day long.  Notice that most of the time John isn’t actually chasing Uma, nor does he want the rope her in mouth, but she’s just so damn excited because she thinks he’s chasing her and desperate for the rope.

Ok to watch on mute, but you'll miss some giggles and growls.
Don't worry, you won't miss the fat rolls.

This month John also started babbling…finally.  Until now he was mainly just blowing raspberries and saying “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh awwwwwwwwww ahhhhhhh,” but now we are hearing “la da da da.”  Bud is counting Dada as his first word, but I’m not totally sure that counts until he says it on purpose.

Night sleeping remains great and napping is getting better.  I think all this crawling must be tiring because I’ve definitely seen a difference lately.  John consistently naps in the morning around 9:00 which is wonderful because it gives me a time of the day to get some work done.  Most days I’ll also get an afternoon nap, but some days it’s only 10 minutes which basically means I sit down at my computer, open a project, and then have to click save and go back to baby wrangling.

Great!  I’m happy to say that John has put himself on a schedule so I can actually predict what my day will look like.  This started last month, but is so consistent now that I can depend on it.  He nurses when he wakes up, 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, 5:00, and bedtime.  Sometimes we’ll merge the 3:00 and 5:00 and I’ll feed him at 4:00ish instead.

He’s also become a much better eater.  We feed him baby food when we eat dinner and he’s doing so much better than he was last month.  He will still make a sour face at first, but once he realizes that it’s not a shot of tequila, he’ll clean his plate.  We recently added meat into the mix…he add something called Vegetable Turkey Dinner…and he liked it.   He seems to like everything we’ve given him lately except peas, but who the hell actually likes peas.  Blah.

Side note about food…we started out thinking that we would make John food and also feed him jarred stuff, but he likes the jarred stuff A LOT more so we’ve ditched the “we’ll make him food” plan for now.  I buy him Earth’s Best which is at Publix and Target.  I like it because it’s organic and has really diverse flavors.  That sounds really weird about baby food, but seriously check out the Dinner options.  I’m hoping this will make him a good eater (unlike his mama).

Likes and Dislikes:
Like: Crawling, crawling, crawling

Dislike:  Diaper changes.  Holy shit…it never bothered him before, but lately they are TORTURE.  The second I put him down he tried to flip onto his stomach.  He was basically break dancing in a dirty diaper at one point.  Awesome.

Like: Ignoring all his toys and shoving dog toys, shoes, dog hair, etc. in his mouth

Dislike:  Being inside all day.  I have to get him out of the house at least once a day or he goes a little crazy.

Like:  Uma and Juno…he’s obsessed with them.  Makes my heart soar.  When he sees them he makes a weird “gee, gee, gee” sound.  I swear he’s trying to say “doggie,” but it’s possible I just think he’s a genius.

Like:  Climbing whoever is holding him.  He doesn’t want to simply sit in your lap anymore he wants to climb you.

Safe to say he’s still a big boy, but I have no clue how much he weighs.  He’s wearing 9 and 12 month clothes and we just switched to Size 4 diapers.  We took him to a friend’s beach house on Labor Day weekend and a person there asked me how old he was.  When I said 7 months, she said “Oh God. He’s a ‘healthy’ boy.  I would have guessed a year old.” “Health” is such a funny adjective, but yes…he is “healthy.”

It’s been a busy, busy month, but I’m doing great.  I’ve been working a lot lately (25-30 hours/week), but I kind of love it.  I don’t love it when I’m working until midnight and I don’t love it when my house is a mess because my spare time (hahahah…spare time….hahaha) is mainly spent working, showering, or sleeping.  But I do love it.  My Chapter is hosting 10 Walks to End Alzheimer’s again this year.  We are now 4 down and 6 to go.  I’m taking care of all the back-end/admin stuff for the Chapter.  I DO NOT miss getting up at 4 am and sweating my ass off at the events, but I try to be as helpful as possible to my coworkers who are out there.

Favorite Picture:
I mean...too much.
This is Labor Day at the beach when he was mistaken for a 1 year old.  "Just so healthy."

just hanging with my friends Anderson and Woody...NBD

he'll cuddle when he thinks no one is watching

John has a lot of friends

We were pretty excited for opening day of the NFL season....0-3 is not what we were hoping for, but all that means is I get to teach John that we're not fairweather fans.

my favorite outtake from today


Uma gets way too much attention.  
Juno is finally coming out of hiding and getting in some pictures.  
My dear girl needs a haircut, but I kind of like the shaggy dog look. 

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