
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Five Months Old!

Happy 5 Month Birthday, John!  It’s been a big month for my little guy.

This WAHM thing is fantastic, but is seriously eating into any time I have to update this little blog.  I used to be able to shower and play online when John was napping, but now I work.  This has made my hair greasier and my blog totally neglected.  But enough about me…

John has had a BIG month with a lot of fun firsts.  He got to celebrate both of his parents’ birthdays and his first Father’s Day, swim in a pool for the first time, meet his cousin Aubrey, roll over, discover his feet, and so much more.

Father's Day 2013

The guys on Father's Day

A couple days after John’s 4 month birthday he rolled over from his stomach to his back for the first time.  All 5 of us were in his room, I put him on his stomach, and he did a very dramatic, slow-motion roll.  I was so happy Bud was there to see it.  He’s done it several times since, but only when he wants to.  A couple weeks later he rolled from his back to his stomach, but only by pushing off of me with his feet. 

Honestly, couldn’t be better.  <<ducks and hides from other moms>> John is routinely sleeping 10 and a half hours straight every night and once he slept 11 hours and 44 minutes.   This month we had to stop swaddling him because once babies start rolling over it’s not safe anymore.  I was terrified that this would be a major setback for his awesome sleep habits, but much to my surprise it’s only made him a better sleeper.  He loves having his arms free.  When I check his monitor, I usually find him like this:
stretch it out

He still can't have blankets in his crib so he sleeps in a SleepSack now which Janice pointed out is like a sleeveless Snuggie.  Yep, nailed it.

Napping has gotten a little better, but still inconsistent.  Some days he’ll have a 2 hour nap in the crib, other days I’m lucky to get 20 minutes.  It’s practically a guarantee that he’ll fall asleep on our morning walks.

My big boy still loves to nurse, but has become a little diva when it comes to bottles.  This is something we really need to work on because I want him to be comfortable with bottles.  It’ll put a lot less stress on me to be with him all the time.

My birthday was fantastic, but a bit stressful because Bud put John to sleep that night.  It’s only the second time I haven’t put him to sleep so he was not too happy about that.  Bud said he was fine all day, but when he tried to feed him after his bath the kid had a mental breakdown.  I don’t put him to sleep every night because Bud isn’t willing to (quite the opposite), but simply because it’s easiest.  Everyday lately I’ve said to myself, “OK, Bud’s got to put John to sleep tonight,” but then nighttime rolls around, I’m exhausted, and I know it’s just easier on all of us for me to do it.  We will work on it though because Bud and I are going to a wedding in a couple weeks and my mom will have the John for the night.  I don’t want him to scare her off.

Likes and Dislikes:
He’s still an opinionated boy (which is a nice way of saying he’s a brat), but has gotten a bit more easy-going.

He likes getting out of the house and is generally pretty sweet when we are out and about.  He’s been to a couple Happy Hours with me (mother of the year!) and several restaurants over the past month.  As long as he’s sitting in someone’s lap so he can be a part of the conversation, he’s happy.

He still hates being carried like a baby (parallel to the ground).

He loves putting anything and everything into his mouth.  Yep, we think teething has started.  Poor boy can’t go 5 minutes without chewing or sucking on something.  Per the pediatrician’s recommendation, I’ve been freezing wet baby wash cloths and giving them to his to suck.  He loves them.

He loves his Kick & Play.  Loves it.  The Garros got it a few years ago and we’ve stolen it from their house because of how much he loves it.  This past week, I’ve taken into the bathroom and showered while he’s happily bounced in it.  I can’t underemphasize how huge this it.  He doesn’t like anything else that much.

He still loves seeing himself in a mirror.  It’s pretty funny.  He can be fussy, but if I walk in front of a mirror the kid lights up and strikes a pose.  My little Zoolander.

He loves hearing and watching Bud play guitar and sing.  It mesmorizes him.

He's obsessed with his feet.  He found them a couple weeks ago and they have quickly become the coolest things ever.

At his 4 month doctor’s appointment (on May 24th) he weighed 17 lbs 9 ounces (85-95%) and was 24.5 inches (25%) so I guess he’s still short and stout.  I swear he looks well proportioned though.  I’m still saying the nurses measured him wrong.

He mostly wears 6 months clothing, although 9 month outfits are fitting too.  He’s in size 3 diapers.

I’m doing ok. Staying home is isolating and lonely at times, but I still wouldn’t want it any other way.  I think the newness of John and the haze of having a newborn has worn off so I was kind of in a slump.  To remedy, I’ve been trying to see my lovely friends more often and we joined the YMCA today.  I’m pretty excited because I’ll be able to drop John in the nursery and get a workout plus a shower.  Can’t beat that.

Work has certainly picked up.  I have about 5 “open” projects right now in addition to keeping up with doing Social Media for the Chapter.  I need to find more time during the day to work so that I don’t get stuck doing it at night which is when I originally planned to work.  It sounds pathetic, but I’m so freaking exhausted once I put John in bed that I’m basically useless.    

John’s Highlight of the Month:
Meeting his cousin Aubrey!  I hope he and all his cousins are life-long friends.  And I certainly wouldn’t mind if he had more that the 3 he already has. (hint, hint Gina, Sarah, and Allyson)

Doesn't he look massive in this picture??  Poor Aubrey is being squished.

John’s Low-point of the Month:
Tied for worst moments are his second round of shots:
The girly band-aids added insult to injury

And a complete BREAKDOWN he had on the way back from Nocatee earlier this month.  It might have been more traumatic for me than him, but I had to pull over 4 times on the 20 mile drive because he was crying so hard I was afraid he’d stop breathing.  It took an hour to get home.  Nothing was wrong with him, but it sounded like he was being tortured.  Having drive while listening to him freak like that is my idea of hell.

On one of our stops he sat in my lap and aggressively sucked his little hand.  Poor baby.

Favorite Picture:
Count the rolls!


Bud's birthday.  John missed candles and cake so I held up the monitor while singing.

Happy hour at Brio

John's first trip to the pool!  June 16, 2013 - Father's Day

Sitting by myself....nbd

He makes her so happy

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