1. Happy New Year! Holy crap…can you believe it’s 2013? That just sounds like the future, right? More importantly, however, 2013 is the year that this little guy will be welcomed into the word. My due date is ONE MONTH FROM TODAY which is equally exciting and terrifying. I’m not scared or nervous about delivery (I’m sure I’ll put my thoughts on that into a post one day), but just a bit freaked out that pretty soon this baby will be in my life and always will be. It’s a weird concept. Like, one day I’ll be me without children and the next I’ll have a kid…forever. Whoa. Deep thoughts, right?
We had a low-key New Year’s Eve. I felt like almost all of our friends were out of town so that gave us an excuse to eat a good, greasy meal (diets don’t start until January, right?) and stay in. Not very exciting, but it was fine with me. Our neighbors (who we hate) had a party that kept me up until about 3:00 am. Bud went out there at 3:45 and asked them to please go inside. So New Year’s Day we both got the joy of feeling hung-over and tired, but without the fun of the night before. Awesome.
2. Backing up a day earlier, on Sunday Bud and I celebrated our 6th Anniversary by having dinner at 11th South. I’ve always loved that man of mine, but this past year has really proven to me what a lucky gal I am. I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but God knows I’ll never take him for granted. Six years feels like a blip on the radar of what we have ahead and it’s been the best 6 years of my life.
3. Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy is consuming me and I really don’t care if you think that’s annoying. So many, many questions…Was it planned? Is Khole pissed? Because Kim’s still legally married to Kris Humpries will he be considered the father? I asked Bud about this and in Florida if you are married your husband is legally the father even if he’s not biologically…crazy, right? Bud’s assuming because they are legally separated that Kris won’t have any rights to this kid, but how freaking insane would that be? What are they going to name the baby? Is she going to get huge? How quickly will her maternity line come out? What does Beyonce think?
4. A little June update…I ended last week by taking Juno in to the vet to get her fluid buildup drained on Friday and I started today by taking her to the vet to get her fluid buildup drained. Poor thing’s recovery still has a ways to go. The vet is very happy with her progress so I know I should be patient, but all I can think is “dear god when will this end?” Because of the size of the mass that was removed, her body is still creating this fluid to fill the space. We have to continually get it drained because it’s a “breeding ground” for a serious infection. The vet put her back on sedatives and antibiotics today because the amount he drained was pretty substantial. He gave us the sedatives because he thinks her activity is possibly slowing her progress. I hate seeing her all doped up, but I’m also desperate to get my baby healthy before she becomes a middle child and therefore is automatically permanently neglected (obviously kidding, everyone).
I learned last week that her long term prognosis isn’t great. Our vet sent her surgical pictures to a specialist for a consult and the specialist agreed that this lipoma will return. It is considered a cancer, but the vet was hesitant to use that word because it’s not a cancer that will spread to her organs and kill her, it’s just a rapidly dividing asshole of a cell which is what cancer is…I’m obviously very medical. There’s a small (teeny, tiny) chance it won’t come back. There’s a chance it’ll come back and stop growing when it’s still small like most lipomas do. Most likely however, it’ll come back similar to what it was and surgery is her only option. Dr. Jacobs biggest fear is that it’ll grow behind her nerve which would paralyze her leg and require amputation. We’re getting ahead of ourselves thinking about that, but it’s good to know what the future may hold. Only time will tell how this will play out.
Dr. Jacobs (have I mentioned we love him yet today?) told me the specialist described this tumor as “drawing the short straw.” The more I think about that, the more it bothers me. Juno never has been and never will be a short straw. She’s challenging as hell, but she’s my tiny little love-muffin and I wouldn’t trade her for a healthier dog if given the option and neither would Bud.
We decided to not have any First Trimester Genetic Screening done on our baby so we honestly don’t know if he’s 100% healthy or not. The ultrasounds looked perfect and we are confident that he’s fine, but you better believe if my baby has Down Syndrome or any other chromosomal abnormality and someone tries to say that I “drew the short straw” with him, I’ll take your fucking head off.
5. Just to lighten things up a bit, I hope my kid is this cool:
1. I read about your low key NYE and all I could think about was, I wonder where she got greasy food and what did she order? I have issues.
ReplyDelete2. Happy belated Anniversary!!
3. So funny because those were my EXACT thoughts when she announced her pregnancy.
4. Hope Juno is feeling better. Point me in the direction of anyone with a "short straw" comment and I'll take care of them.
5. Although that baby is cool, it's safe to say your baby will be WAY cooler.