January: I started the year by saying goodbye to birth control and hello to prenatal vitamins. I had myself convinced that it would take a year to get knocked up so I certainly didn’t think I’d be ringing in 2013 one month away from meeting my boy.
February: February 3, 2012 I learned that my mom had breast cancer, but I also learned that she was going to kick its ass…and then she did.
March: We spent a couple nervous weeks wondering where my period was and puzzled by the numerous (10 or more) negative pregnancy test. Due date would have been October 31st. Needless to say, it was a false alarm.
April: Mom gets the “all clear” from doctors. I notice that Juno’s tumor is starting to regrow. Bud and I visit Sarah and her family in Atlanta. Bud loses his job. It was scary, stressful, and honestly pretty unbelievable. We were naïve enough to think that he’d find something else right away, but put “Operation Make-a-Garro” on hold for obvious reasons.
May: We celebrate my 30th birthday with all my favorite people on Memorial Day weekend at the Conch House during Tropical Storm Beryl. SO glad we did. That night I had my last adult beverage of 2012.
June: June 1, 2012 I take a pregnancy test on my lunch break and life is never the same. We both turn 30 and share our news with everyone we love. June 26, 2012 – the confirmation appointment. One baby, strong heartbeat, confirmed 2/2/13 due date.
July: Garro family vacation to Asheville, NC. I had a teeny, tiny little fall while hiking and give Bud a minor heart attack.
August: Mom and I went to Chicago to see Allyson, Paul, and meet my niece, Shiva. Bud gets a job!
September: It’s a boy! Walk season starts.
October: We buy Bud a new car and I learn why having a cold while pregnant is only comparable to the 7th circle of hell.
November: Walk season mercifully ends. It wasn’t pretty, but our walks raised about $618,000 for a very good cause. Feels great to be a part of that.
December: My baby showers and one very special Christmas.
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