
Sunday, October 21, 2012

25 weeks...15 to go

Week: 25

Size (according to An “average rutabaga.” Huh?

This is all we could find.

I’m happy to read that the little guy is starting to put on some weight.  He is pretty much fully formed and just needs to gain some lbs and get some chub on his bones before his birthday.

Total Weight gain:  4.5 lbs

Physically, I'm feeling:  No complaints.  I can’t say I feel huge every week or this will get real boring, real quick. 

Emotionally, I'm feeling: Stressed, but only about work things.  There’s a lot to do in the next few weeks so it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed.  I’m doing my best to keep things in perspective, but that’s easier said than done. 

Sleep:  Same.  Although I slept from 1:00 am to 8:30 am today which is the most uninterrupted sleep I’ve had in months.  Soooooo nice.

Baby's Movement:  Feeling him more and more…mostly when I eat, drink cold water, or lay down.  I’ve felt him a couple times from the outside (which is totally creepy).

What I'm nervous about:  Ummmm….can’t really think of anything.  I’m cool as a cucumber this week, I guess.

What I'm excited about:  Slowly, but surely we are making progress on the baby’s room.  We gave my parents the desk that was in the office today so that we can move the queen size bed out of the nursery and make room for a crib.  I don’t exactly have the clearest vision of what I want to do with the nursery, but I have a lot of ideas.  We’ll see how it’ll all come together.

Anything else?:  A little Juno update…unfortunately, she will need surgery within the next few months.  We are going to schedule it sometime in late November or early December so she’ll be fully healed before February.  I HATED, HATED, HATED her recovery last time, but I think this time will be better.  The tumor is much larger this time so June will need a “port” which is basically a rubber tube that will hang out of her and drip blood/fluid for about a week to prevent fluid build-up (lovely, I know).  She’ll also be on Valum for 14 days in an attempt to keep her calm.  It’ll be hard to see her doped up for 2 weeks, but I’ll do anything if it makes her recovery easier.

The worst part about all this is that the doctor can’t say for sure that she won’t have to do this surgery again for a 3rd or 4th time.  It’s only been 16 months since the last time she had this tumor removed and clearly we don’t want to do this to her every year or so.  He said he’ll be very aggressive and try to get the entire tumor, but if microscopic cells are left behind there’s a good chance that it’ll grow back.  Leaving it alone isn’t an option because of the rate of growth.  There are vital arteries under the tumor and if they start to be affected by the tumor it could cost her the leg or worse.

It totally breaks my heart that she has to deal with this, but I guess I should be thankful that it’s benign and treatable.  It’ll be a tough few weeks, but then it’ll be gone.  Hopefully, for good.


  1. Awww, poor Juno. I'll be interested to see what she's like on Valium. I wonder if she's super relaxed or just straight up drunk?

    And wtf is a rutabaga? That site needs to update its list of veggies.

  2. love seeing your updates!!! will give commenting another try - forgive my non-technology-ness. :-) wishing juno (and you all) all the best for a quick recovery after the surgery - not fun, but hopefully quick. also, excited to see your ideas come to life for the nursery. yay!
