Size (according to An ear of corn. Yay, it’s another produce that I like to eat. Two in row!
Sorry I forgot to do the side profile, Meg.
To point out how silly this produce thing really is, the ‘What to Expect’ app is telling me that the baby is the size of an eggplant. These two things are way different. I can’t keep up with this shit much longer.
Total Weight gain: 3.5
Physically, I'm feeling: Huge and hungry, but good. The abdomen was still sore for a few days after my impromptu doctor’s appointment on Monday, but it’s all better now.
As for the hugeness, I have a full 4 months to go so God knows I’m going to get a lot bigger, but much bigger can I get? I’m happy that I think I finally look pregnant and not just bloated or like I had a big lunch. Obviously, I’m happy to get as big as this little guy needs me to get (blah, blah, blah), but it is just really weird to have this stomach. I can’t imagine what it would feel like if I normally had a really flat stomach!
I’m also feeling like a hungry, hungry hippo lately which according to what I’ve read is pretty normal in the second trimester. The lack of appetite I had over the summer is a thing of the past, fo sho. I’m trying to choose healthy snacks, but will definitely let myself have something if I really want it. By far my favorite lunch/snack right now is cheddar cheese and ritz crackers. Yes, I’m a 7 year old.
Emotionally, I'm feeling: Good, thanks to my doctor’s appointment this week. Just getting some reassurance from the doctor that the babe is perfect is such a relief. Being pregnant is nerve wracking. I always feel like I’m going to mess this up somehow, but so far I think I’ve done pretty damn well.
Sleep: Same. I wake up once per night. Most nights I can fall back asleep, but there were a couple nights this week when I couldn’t. I guess it’s nature’s way of prepping me for 3:00 am feedings? Also, I’m annoyed with myself that I can’t really sleep in anymore, but I don’t think I can blame that on pregnancy. It’s probably just being 30. Sleeping past 10:00 used to be a pretty regular thing for me, but now I’m lucky to make it to 8:30. I hate being old.
Oh, here’s a little fun fact about me in case you don’t know…I don’t nap. I WISH I did, but I don’t. Even if I really, really, really want to I can’t. And I don’t mean “I don’t nap except when I’m really tired/hungover/bored, etc.” No, I mean I don’t nap…like ever. I hope that this will change when the baby comes, but who knows.
Baby's Movement: Same. He’s an active little boy in the evenings, but is pretty quiet all day long.
What I'm nervous about: Bud and I started our registry this weekend and it was a bit overwhelming. I’m nervous about how in the world we’ll be able to make all these decisions and afford a kid. I will say, however, that Bud won $20 on a scratch off last week so I’m pretty sure we’ll win the big one eventually.
What I'm excited about: Bud and I started our registry this weekend and it was so fun picking out stuff for our guy. Knowing that these will be the toys that will keep him smiling, the seats that will keep him safe, and the blankets that will keep him warm makes it feel very real.
Side note: We were at the store for almost THREE hours. That’s WAY too much time in a baby store.
Anything else?: We were GIVEN a crib and a crib mattress this week! That’s pretty incredible, right? One of my mom’s closest friends was actually given a crib, but she didn’t need it and decided to give it to us. We’ll set it up just to be sure that we like it and it seems safe, but we’re pretty sure that this will be it. Cheers to free shit!
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