Size (according to A large mango. Can we all agree that the biggest mango you've ever seen is smaller than the smallest spaghetti squash you've ever seen? These produce things make no sense.
I really should be a pregnancy model, right? I'm always so fashionable.
I am happy, however, that I finally am a fan of the produce of the week. That hasn't happened since avocado week.
Oh, mangoes and stickey rice. I love you so much.
Weight gain: 3.5 pounds. I guess last week was a fluke. Phew!
Physically, I'm feeling: Good. Because I don't have Walks to worry about this month, I'm trying to get serious about pregnancy fitness. I'm not doing anything drastic, just trying to walk more and I'm lifting my little weights. My arms are so patheitc that I'm worried if I don't start lifting weights I won't be able to hold this kid. #youthinki'mkidding #i'mnot
Emotionally, I'm feeling: Can't complain. Taking a couple days off this week was some much needed and appreciated time off. The first day I got a bunch of errands accomplished, but the second day I hardly did anything. It was glorious.
Sleep: About the same as last week. I haven't had a night's sleep without waking up for a trip to the bathroom in months so that kind of sucks, but I'm getting used to it. The bigger I'm getting, the harder it is to get comfy becuase I'm usually a stomach sleeper. Fun fact (for those of you who've never been preggers): You're not supposed to lay on your back or your stomach after 20 weeks. That's tough to do.
Baby's Movement: He's becoming more active every week. I still feel it mostly at night, but it's starting to feel like jumping jacks, not just little movements. He was pretty fired up for the UGA and FSU games last night (baby's first disappointment).
What I'm nervous about: Nothing concerning the pregnancy this week. I'm nervous about June's vet appointment next weekend. Poor thing has a tumor on her left side that has me worried. She had a tumor removed from the area in June 2011 and it's already back and larger than it ever was in the first place. Obviously, I don't care what it looks like, but it'll kill me if it starts to effect her mobility. She's a young dog with a lot of energy.
What I'm excited about: I'm excited that my friends have started commenting on this blog. Thanks, Grier, Allyson and Meghan! Hint, hint, everyone else.
Anything else? Look who got haircuts this week? So freaking cute!
Dont' they look like puppies?
To sleep on your side you need pillows to prop the mango up on. You can borrow some from your old room at home.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer, ma. Right now I'm sleeping with 5 pillows and Buddy (the stuffed animal, not the husband) so I don't think I can handle much more.
DeleteWoop woop! The surprise of a blog shout-out just totally made my Monday. :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Grier--shout-out just made my day as well! Also, i completely agree about babycenter's fruit and vegetable comparisons to baby size. Do they ever look in the produce section of a grocery store?!? Still fun, but cant be accurate!