Since John was born, I'm trying to be more aware of where I'm spending money and where I can save a little. I really like the hair stylist I've been seeing for the past few years, but I spend $150 to get my hair highlighted (highlit?) and cut. That's a lot of money to spend on my hair considering I'm simply going to pull it into a ponytail 99% of the time. A good friend (shout out to Grier!) gets her hair done at the Aveda school and her hair always looks nice so I thought I'd give it a try. I needed a hair color and cut badly. Mama was starting to look like a meth-head.
The last time I got my hair done was around Thanksgiving so my roots were beyond crazy. It's almost like I had ombre hair, but it wasn't on purpose and you could tell. Plus, my girl Guiliana recently told me that ombre hair is "so 2012." Ugh, we don't want that. It was also too long for my liking. I judge whether my hair is too long by people's reactions when I take my ponytail out. Once I get the third "Wow, you're hair is long," I know it's time. I've had about 45 of those, but hadn't had time to do anything about it.
My appointment went well and I'm pleased with the experience. HOWEVER, oh-dear-god-sweet-7-pound-5-ounce-Jesus, THE APPOINTMENT TOOK 4 HOURS. I have to repeat for emphasis. Four solid hours!
Thanks, Sweet Brown
The appointment started at 11:00. Candace, my stylist took me back right on time and, after a brief consultation, she called the instructor over to approve her plan on action. I told her I'd like 4-5 inches cut off and medium blonde, natural looking highlights. She started on the highlights at 11:10 and it took her TWO HOURS. Granted I have a lot of hair, but I never thought it could take that long. Each and every foil she put on my head was like a work of art.
That looks like more than 4 inches
Candace's other clients
After two hours of sitting in the chair my ass was completely numb. The instructor came over to check her work and said it looked great (I'd hope so), but that the foils she put on at the beginning (TWO HOURS AGO) are starting to get overly blonde and need to come out. BUT, the ones on top had just gone in and needed another 30 minutes. The solution? A 45 minute trip to the shampoo station.
Candace led me over to the sink and rinsed out the bottom foils and then checked each foil one by one to see if it was done. After 20 minutes of that, she started to shampoo and condition so I thought we were almost done. Nope...25 minutes of shampoo, massage, rinse, condition, massage, rinse, more conditioner, massage, this point my head was as numb as my ass. Have you ever had your hair brushed while it's numb? Pretty trippy.
Then the hair cut began. To "save herself time" (hahahaha) she had done a rough cut before starting the foils (see chunk of hair above) so in theory all she'd have to do is clean up the ends. Needless to say, the hair cut took another hour. Then she blew it dry for about 45 minutes. Once it was dry, an instructor came over to help finish and show her how to "frame a face." Didn't ask for that, but that's ok.
Have you ever been to a store and there's one cashier who's training a new cashier on something? You have to awkwardly and patiently stand there and listen to the lesson no matter what kind of hurry you were in? Imagine that, but you have a numb ass, a tingly scull, and one of your boobs is about to explode because you haven't nursed from that side in 9 hours.
OK, final result....
Best selfie I could manage
Overall, I'm very happy. It's much shorter than I expected, but I think it looks cute. It only cost $60 so I saved a lot of money. I'll definitely be back, but I'll know to 1) know that it'll take 4 hours and be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't and 2) be very specific. I think it would have helped her a lot if I told her exactly how long and what color I wanted.
Thank God for my mom who kept John while I was there. It took twice as long as I expected and she didn't seem to care. Love that lady!
4 hours?!?! JFC. That's awful. Get it together, Aveda Institute!! Your hair does look amazing though.