Happy Four Month
Birthday, John!
John is getting more
and more predictable which is such a relief. I wouldn’t say that we have a routine yet, but
I’m working on it. I still struggle
between not wanting to establish a schedule so that he’ll be an easy, flexible
baby and then realizing how much happier he is when I make things more predictable
for him. John has recently found his
voice and is constantly “talking” to me or Bud.
The kid has a lot to say. He is so, so close to rolling over, but hasn't yet. He’s
starting to reach for things and will, most likely, shove whatever he grabs
directly into his mouth. He’s so much
easier to take out in public. It’s
really turned a corner this month. We’ve
gone to several parties and he even went to Happy Hour with me on Monday
night. Yes, I’m very Sweet Home Alabama
these days (“You have a baby….in a bar”), but it was only Blackfinn which is
more restaurant than bar before 9:00 pm.
Still great! I’m so thankful that he takes after me and
not Bud in this department. Bud didn’t
sleep through the night until 13 months old.
Let that sink in.
We start his bedtime
routine (bath, lotion, nurse, bed) as soon as he becomes fussy at night…usually
between 7:30 and 8:00. It takes anywhere
from 45 minutes to an hour, but once I put him down I usually don’t hear a peep
until 5:00 am or later. Then he’ll eat
again, get a fresh diaper, and go back to sleep for another 2 hours. It’s about a 11 or 12 hour night with one 30
minute break.
Napping is still unpredictable
although it’s getting better. He takes
one nap per day in his crib, usually around lunch time, for 1-2 hours. I made the mistake last week of going to my
parents’ house for lunch and the kid was a little bitch…refusing to nap
although we could tell he was exhausted.
Once I finally gave up and put him in the car, he was asleep in less
than a minute.
Nursing is still going
great, but bottle feeding is not. What
can I say, he likes me. He’ll take a
bottle from Bud or my mom, but doesn’t eat a lot. Then again, he’s not offered bottles that
often so it’s probably a little confusing.
He’s eating considerably
less than he was which is fine. Last
month he was eating 2-3 hours per day and now he’s eating 1.5-2.5 hours per
day. We clearly don’t have any weight
issues so the decrease is fine. He’s
probably just more efficient and needing less because his growth has
Likes and Dislikes:
His likes and dislikes
are similar to last months, but he’s added a few new favorites.
He’s starting to like
playing in his room with toys and books. His attention span will give out after a
while, but he loves it for a little while.
He dislikes
perfume. Whenever someone who’s wearing
perfume holds him he’ll fuss the whole time.
Maybe we just haven’t found his favorite scent yet?
Bath time is hands-down
his favorite part of the day. He’s
quiet, calm, and so happy.
However, the worst part
of John’s day is getting dressed after his bath. We have no idea why, but almost every night
he’ll cry big, sad tears when we put clothes on him at night. Getting dressed during the day doesn’t bother
him so this makes no sense.
Laughing and SQUEALING
at the top of his lungs. I’m the
funniest person he knows.
With all the parties we
went to this last month we got a lot of Fat Man jokes. Yes, he’s a big boy. I have no idea how big (we’ll find out Friday
at his doctor’s appointment), but it’s safe to say he’s tipping the
scales. He’s still in size 2 diapers,
but I think I’m going to buy him Size 3s next time I buy some. For the record, my friend has a 10 month old
who’s still in size 2s. Whoa. He mostly wears 6 months clothes, but I’ll
occasionally put him in a 9 month outfit.
Good! I was sick with a random and brutal stomach
bug yesterday. It honestly felt like a
really, really bad hangover, but I wasn't hungover. I can’t remember the last time I threw up and
I wasn’t drunk or hungover. Maybe
elementary school? Well, that streak is
over. Thankfully Bud was able to stay
home from work to take care of John because I barely got out of bed. I even napped…that’s how bad it was!
Other than that things
are really good. I’ve started back at
work which is great. They have given me
a lot of projects to work on at my own pace.
There are also a couple trainings that I need to do online. It’ll be so great to see that first paycheck
come in!
Nursing time to
date: 387 hours, 58 minutes
John’s highlight of the
John met the beach. I might not be the biggest "beach person," but he seemed to like it.
John’s low-point of the
That night he didn't sleep well made his
100th day simply miserable. The poor boy was a mess.
Favorite Picture:
Look at that HEED
Too tired to get a bath
Too much
First picture of John my mom didn't like
Ceiling fans are so distracting