Hi, I'm a black pot. I believe you've met my son the kettle?
So John isn't the only one around here that's balding. I am losing my hair at an alarming rate. Thankfully, I have really thick hair so you can't really tell, but it's insane.
I always would shed a little...in the shower, brushing my hair, etc...but when I was pregnant I think I lost about 5 strands total. The entire 9 months I didn't lose a single hair in the shower and would barely find anything in my brush. So my already thick hair got comically thick. My ponytail was literally looking like a horse's tail. Ew.
I was warned that my hair would fall out or might be different after John was born, but because it didn't happen for the first 3 months I thought I was in the clear. Haha...nope. The past couple weeks I can barely touch my hair and a chunk will fall out. My body is resuming its normal shedding schedule, plus making up for the lack of hair loss in 2012. Ugh. It's a little scary, but I still have plenty on my head so it's ok.
I never knew how closely hair is tied to hormones until I went through all this. About a month after I went off birth control I got my hair done and my hairdresser was very concerned about how much hair she pulled off me when she was shampooing. She actually asked me to go get my thyroid checked. I just smiled and nodded (while praying I'd get knocked up before I went bald).
So between me, John, and Uma (June doesn't shed) we have quite a lot of hair to sweep up around here. It's a fulltime job.
My shower was clogged so I called Roto Rooter last weekend. Once the guy was finished, he said, "Ma'am, I honestly can't believe you aren't bald." #truestory #twinsies