Size (according to Chinese Cabbage. I give up on the produce thing. The website estimates that the babe is 15 inches, 2.25 lbs. That makes way more sense than “Chinese cabbage.”
Total Weight gain: 5 lbs…holding steady this week, but feeling enormous. I promise I'll post a picture of my hugeness this week.
Physically, I'm feeling: Good…so much better than last week. My cold is more or less gone other than some occasional coughing and throat clearing.
It’s definitely getting more difficult to move around. Not painful, just difficult. I can’t jump right off the couch or bend over as easily as I used to. L
I had a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and it went well. I’m measuring right on target and the babe’s heartbeat is nice and strong. This was also the appointment where I had to do the lovely glucose screen to see if I’ve developed gestational diabetes. The drink was gross, but not nearly as bad as I was anticipating. Unfortunately, I failed the 1 hour test (daaaaaaaaaaaaamn it) so I had to take the 3-hour, 4 blood draw, fasting test on Friday. Still waiting to hear if I passed. I really, really, really hope so. In my defense, I ate Subway right before the 1-hour test. Probably not the best choice.
Emotionally, I'm feeling: Happy and excited. Can’t believe it’s the 3rd trimester already.
Sleep: Same. I had a couple sleepless nights this week because of my Walk next weekend, but other than that it’s been ok.
Baby's Movement: According to the Baby Center app, the baby should now have sleep/wake cycles. Seems true for this guy. He’s either freaking out or totally quiet. There are very few soft, small movements now. Bud still hasn’t been able to feel him move. Every time he comes close the babe freezes. Not cool, little man.
What I'm nervous about: My damn glucose tolerance test results. I really, really, really want good news on Monday. Just to be safe, I’ve stuffed my face with all kinds of treats this weekend that would be off limits if I get bad news (pumpkin spice latte, cream soda, Dr. Pepper, a donut, etc).
Side note: after looking over that list of "treats" I noticed that a majority of my calories probably come from drinks, right? Wow, Bob Harper would totally disapprove.
What I'm excited about: I read this week that even though it would involve weeks/months of NICU treatments, the babe would have a very high chance of being ok if he was born today. Isn’t that crazy? Of course, I want him to stay put for another 12 weeks, but it’s kind of reassuring to know that we are entering a “safe zone” so to speak.
Anything else?: Oh, just this:
How exciting, right! Grandpa (Bud's dad) came over today and helped us set up the crib. I still can’t believe that we were given this crib. Isn’t it awesome? We are so lucky to have such generous people in our lives.
Unfortunately, the fabric that I shared a couple weeks ago was sold out when my mom and I went to buy it yesterday so I hope you weren’t too attached. I found something else that I like, but I want to look at one other fabric store before I pull the trigger.
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