I actually wrote this post in 12/23, but forgot to
post it. I'm just going to pretend like Christmas hasn't already happened and all of you are going to go along with it, ok? Don't like it? Click here.
Well, here we are…the final monthly update of John’s
first year. It’s so hard for me to
believe that he’s only a few weeks away from his first birthday. But before we go there, let’s chat about
month 10 for Johnny.
Getting him to sit still for this picture took an act of God.
John had a really good three weeks followed by one
pretty shitty fourth week…hence, the reason why I wasn’t able to write this
post on time. It’s been a long few
days. When John’s happy and well-rested,
he’s very sweet, funny, and playful, but lawd help me when he’s grumpy. You simply cannot really know desperation
until you’ve dealt with a baby who can’t sleep yet can’t stay awake/wants to
eat yet refuses to eat/wants to be held yet PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW. It’s a lot.
We’ve definitely had more good days than bad, but it’s easier to
remember the bad days because they’re like a horror movie that you can’t stop
thinking about. I don’t mean for this to
sound so negative and I really don’t want it to sound like I don’t like being
John’s mom it’s just a tough phase.
John’s absolutely favorite thing to do at the
moment is standing. He LOVES it. He’s not walking or standing on his own yet,
but will pull up on anything he can and just stand there smiling. This has lead to a lot of tumbles and tears,
but as soon as he’s calmed down he pulls himself right back up. He also continues to love pulling any and
everything off the shelves in his room.
He does this 2-25 times a day.
Whatev, weirdo.
everyone said he'd slim down when he started moving more, but don't worry...he still has plenty of leg rolls to share.
Same story, different month. John is an honor student when it comes to
nighttime sleeping and gets a D+ on napping.
I have gotten several 2-3 hour naps this month, but I’ve also gotten
several (including the past THREE days) when he didn’t nap at all. Not one wink.
That’s not ok at 11 months old.
I’m trying new tricks and reading endless tips
online, but there are some days when it’s just not happening. After some research, Bud and I decided pretty
early on that we are not “cry-it-out” people.
It’s just not for us. That being
said, I’ve given it a try a couple times and it honestly doesn’t work for
John. He’s one strong-willed boy. I think he’d cry all day if I let him (which
I wouldn’t). Le sigh…we’ll figure out
napping one day, right?
John continues to eat like a champ. He’s nursing less and eating food more and
more. We’ve been trying out more finger
foods like apples, carrots, or small bites of whatever we’re eating. I honestly can’t think of one thing that he
doesn’t like…he’s even come around on peas and broccoli which is more than I
can say for his parents.
I am planning to stop nursing around his first
birthday. I might feel differently once
it’s over, but I’m honestly so excited to stop.
It’s not hard or painful in any way, but I’m just over it. I’m so, so glad I was able to do it this long
and credit breastfeeding for 98% of the reason that John has never even had a
sniffle much less an illness, but I’ll be glad to not have to worry about it
Basically the same as last month. He weights 24-25 lbs and wears 12-18 month
clothes and Size 4 diapers. He’s a big
boy, but I feel like he’s been the same size for a while.
Six – 4 on top, 2 on the bottom. I thought I saw two more poking through on
the bottom, but I don’t think so. Is it
weird that I’m glad he’s symmetrical? I
saw a baby with an odd number of teeth and thought it looked freaky.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooveralls. ah!
Oh, John’s hair…how do I love thee? You guys, I love it. It’s slightly ridiculous and it wings out on
the sides like he’s about to take flight, but I love it. Bud and I have started to ask each other if
he needs a trim, but I don’t think so…even if he is mistaken for a girl when we’re
out in public. We comb and brush it every night before bed
and I swear it’s one of his favorite times of day.
John’s Highlight of the Month:
Gaining an uncle!
Allyson and Paul got married on 12/6.
He was always Uncle Paul to us, but we love that it’s now official.
Favorite Picture:
'the end of alzheimer's starts with me'
I don't always take selfies, but when I do, I make sure John is in them.
bieber hair
2/3rds of his awake time is spent shoving random things in his mouth
I think we need to go to BlackFinn and get some shrimp & grits in honor of his birth this month!! Ladies who lunch on MLK Day?