Happy 7 Month Birthday, my sweet Chicken nugget!
Wow, what a month it
has been. There were so many fun firsts
this month. It kills me that each and
every little milestone doesn’t get its own blog post, but (1) aint nobody got
time for dat and (2) I’m pretty sure Bud and I are the only people who get
excited about the little things (ok, probably our moms too).
The biggest of them all
happened last Thursday (August 15th) when I felt two tiny teeth
popping through the bottom of my boy’s gums.
My parents had picked Allyson up from the airport and were heading to my
house. John and I were waiting outside
because I was too excited to be indoors.
While standing in the driveway, I put my finger in his mouth (how rude!)
and could feel them. Crazy. I knew it was coming, but was still surprised
when I could undeniably feel his first pearly whites. I adore his sweet gummy smile, but I guess I’ll
like his smile with little baby teeth too.
He’s been doing ok with the teething so far, but last night and this
morning I gave him a little Motrin to help ease the discomfort. It seems to really work, plus it smells like
Nerds (the candy, not the people).
The other major
milestone that began this month was starting food. He’s still not crazy about anything we’ve
given him, but is slowly warming up to it.
So far he’s had brown rice cereal, sweet potato, apple, banana, pear,
squash, and water…lots of water. That’s
the only thing he really likes which is fitting considering water was the only
real craving I had when pregnant with him.
He doesn’t totally understand the sippy-cup (he turns them upside down
and sucks the bottom), but is basically a prodigy with an adult glass. If I let him, he’d drink my entire glass of
water as long as it was in a cold glass (maybe it just feels good on those sore
Other fun firsts for
the month include sitting in a shopping cart without his carseat, sitting in
the tub without his baby bathing thingy (that’s technical term), and sitting in
his stroller without the carseat. It’s
amazing how many doors are opened once a baby can sit by himself. We’ve said goodbye to my bff the Rock N Play
and John’s bff the swing. They served us
well, but my little fatass has outgrown them.
John is starting to scoot around – it’s not quite a crawl yet, but he
can definitely move. He kind of plants
his face into the carpet and then uses his thunder thighs to launch himself
forward. It’s adorable and also terrifying…need
to get on that baby proofing.
Trying so hard
All that aside,
however, the absolute best part of this month is seeing John with Allyson. She hadn’t seen him since he was a lame 1
month old so it was so wonderful to reintroduce those two. I’m so happy that John has 3 amazing ladies
to call Aunt. What a lucky boy.
Great! We start his bath around 7:30ish. After getting him out of the bath, I usually
feed and rock him for about 30 minutes and then he’s sound asleep for 10-12
hours. There are some nights that take a
little longer to get him sleepy, but Bud usually jumps in on those nights to
help out. Bud has a 4 song medley that
does the trick every time. I usually
leave before he starts Wilco’s My Darling
because it still makes me cry. Can I blame
that on postpartum hormones seven months later?
Napping is still hit or
miss. On a good day, his napping routine
is waking up around 7:00 am, play for a couple hours and then go back to sleep
at 9:00 for 30-60 minutes. Then he’ll be
up for a while in the middle of the day and want to nap again in the
afternoon. The trick is, however, is
that if he sleeps in the car, even for 5 minutes, he won’t nap in his crib at
all. So annoying. 5 minutes is not enough sleep for a cranky
Nursing like a
champ. It’s so, so, sooooo much easier
now than it was those first few months.
He eating 5-6 times a day and seems totally happy in between meals. It wasn’t that long ago he was eating 8-10
times a day and would still act starving in between meals. Then again, he doubled his birth-weight by 2
months so I guess I’ll give him a break.
One fairly annoying habit that John developed this month is that he only
wants to eat in his room and needs silence to do it. If Bud comes in the room he’ll freeze and
look at me like “Holy shit, what’s that? Who’s here? Should I stop?” No, keep going. It’s just your dad.
He’s getting better
about taking bottles. In fact, today I
was out with Gina and Brian and I brought a bottle with me. He gladly chugged the whole thing….even held
it by himself at times.
Today at the mall
Eating food is another
story, but I’m not too worried about it.
At this point, breastmilk should be 100% of his nutrition. The food is just for fun and getting him used
to it. He’s getting better and I’m sure
he’ll get there. Squash has been the
stand out favorite food so far…weirdo child of mine. Squash?
Likes and Dislikes:
Scratching the couch –
It’s so weird, but John started scratching the couch a few months ago and does
it constantly. We joke that we need to
get him a scratching post like a cat.
Drinking water – If he’s
fussy, offering him a sip of water will calm him down 98% of the time
Playing with toys –some
faves are stacking rings, stacking cups, various teethers, and soft books.
Eating books:
yum, yum, yum
Reading books – His
favorites are Barney’s ABC, 123 and Elmo’s Lift & Learn. Every page has a lot going on so he’ll
actually sit and look.
Still doesn’t like
getting dressed after his bath. He’ll do ok for a couple nights and then scream
the next time we do it. I think he’s
just hungry, tired, and over life.
He doesn’t like getting
dropped off at the YMCA (see below)
Short and stout sweet. At John’s 6 month doctor’s appointment he
weighed 20 lbs and was 26 inches long which is still 85% for weight and 25% for
height. His legs are deliciously and
hilariously chunky.
He’s still wearing most
of his 6 month sized cloths, but also fits 9 and 12 month outfits. He wears size 3 diapers, but they are getting
tight. Who knows about these sizes. Allyson brought him an 18 month t-shirt and
it fit him! WTF…how can the same child
wear a 6 month onesie and an 18 month t-shirt???
Busy, but good. I’m working a lot lately because there’s so
much going on at work. We have our first
Walks on September 7th and they are now 2 staff people down. They still haven’t hired a replacement for me
and the Coordinator in Orlando unexpectedly quit this week. I’ve been trying to step in and help as much
as I can, but I’ve honestly been stretched a little thin so I might have to
scale back.
I’m frustrated with my
weight-loss plateau and totally dumbfounded how I can weigh 3-5 lbs less than
what I weighed pre-pregnancy and yet none of my clothes fit right. None.
I’m to the point now that I can’t keep wearing my maternity clothes (it’s
been 7 damn months), but I’m so uncomfortable in my regular clothes. Part of it is my ridiculous boobs, but most
of it is just flab-city. I had great
expectations of losing a ton of weight breastfeeding, but I think I’m one of
those gals that won’t lose the weight I want to lose until I quit nursing.
That being said, I’m
trying to get to the gym more often. On
Tuesday I walked into the KidZone to drop off John and one of the caretakers
came up to me and told me that John usually cries the whole time he’s there. Uhhhh, ok?
She was asking me for advice on how to make him happier so her
intentions were good, but all I heard was “John hates you because you drop him
off here.” I rushed through my work-out that day and no,
I haven’t gone back. I just feel bad for
him and I feel bad for them having to deal with it, but I have to keep
going. He’ll get more used to it, right?
Tears on his cheeks after I picked him up.
And just for fun, the
total nursing count is up to 550 hours, 39 minutes (which is about 23 days of
my life)
John’s Highlight of the
Aunt Allyson’s visit
Being properly worshiped
John’s Low-point of the
I think his low-point
is cutting these teeth. He’s cranky and
clingy. Poor boy.
Favorite Picture: This was hard to pick this month, but here’s
the winner:
Gorgeous boy
First runner up for best picture of the month
These two are besties lately.
hey, laaaaadies
Check out those lashes
One of the 57 outtakes this morning. He was way more interested in eating the blocks than he was patiently posing behind them.
This doesn't happen often anymore so when it does I EAT IT UP .
He loves me.
my vote for pic of the month is for the "hey ladies" pic. too funny! In the last pics of him sleeping he looks like such a big boy! love it! great post! XOXOX