Christmas 2012 was as great as I hoped it would be! I enjoyed every minute of it and had lots of time with family and possibly way too much food. What more could a gal ask for?
On Christmas Eve Bud and I spent the morning cleaning the house top to bottom. That doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but it was NEEDED BADLY and made both of us very happy when it was over. That afternoon, I went to see Nannie with my mom and sister. She’s doing pretty well at the nursing home and we are still pretty sure that it’ll only have to be a temporary situation. She should be back at her own place sometime in January.
Mom and Nannie opening presents.
That night we had dinner and opened presents at my parent’s house. My mom went way above and beyond in the gifting department. I got plenty of fun stuff for the babe, but also several treats for myself, including a Clarisonic which I’ve wanted for a long time. I’m already obsessed with it. I’m going to Benjamin Button all of you and look 14 pretty soon with my baby soft skin.
Mom modeling her new fancy sunglasses
My two faves
Allyson with her Corkcile (it chills wine) and a Mac n Cheese cookbook.
The next morning, Bud and I exchanged stockings:
Photobomb by June. Yes, she's still in a t-shirt. No, it's not Christmas jammies, but that would be really cute. Next year you can expect to see all three of my kids in xmas jammies. #amithatpersonalready
This year we decided that, other than stocking stuffers, June’s surgery would be our gift to each other. I can honestly say that I was much happier not receiving a big gift from Bud this year than I would have been getting one. December has been quite an indulgent month for me and I feel like I’ve already been given so much, you know? OK, starting to sound a bit too cliché…moving on.
After going through our stockings, I asked Bud to go into the nursery to see one last present I got him. I had the baby’s name spelled out in blocks. Yep, I finally committed to a name! It’s locked in and official. It’s the name that Bud has loved for a long time. I was hesitant to pull the trigger, but I’m glad I did. It's fun to have a couple weeks calling him by his name before he’s here, not just “baby” or “your little brother,” which is what U&J knew him as until now. I’m getting more and more used to it and love saying it. Bud’s face lights up every time. I took a picture of the blocks for the baby book, but will keep that hidden for now. Sorry Allyson, Meghan and Paige (I think they are having the hardest time with this).
After stockings we went to Bud’s parent’s house to spend some time with them. It was the first Christmas that neither of his sisters were able to come to Florida so it was definitely more low-key than normal, but still great. I think all four of us were missing them, but thankfully we got to Skype with both families to see how their Christmases were going. How did people live in a pre-Skype world? After opening gifts (I got a Keurig…yay!!!!) we had the annual Garro Christmas BBQ and headed home around 2:00. Bud got to nap a bit (so jealous of all you nappers out there) and I watched Home Alone while making Jalapeno Creamed Corn, a pinterest find that was amazing.
Christmas night was my favorite part. My mom made a full Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc, etc.) and invited the Garros to join us. I’m really not looking forward to my weigh-in this weekend, but whatev…it was worth it. It was so nice being with everyone all at once.
I can only imagine what it’ll be like next year when both of Bud’s sisters, their families, and our little guy join the party. As Kanye would say, dat shit cray.
Merry Christmas to all! I hope you had a good one too. xoxo
Hmmm, a name Bud has liked for a long time....Luigi?
ReplyDeleteGood one Allyson.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you hear some noises in the night, do not be afraid, it's just me peaking in the nursery to get a glimpse of the name blocks.
You're going to come home one day and all of us are going to be trying to break in to your house to get a glimpse of the blocks!