Happy Ten Month Birthday, peanutbutterfaceangel.
Double digits, no big deal
Sadly, I wasn’t able to actually write the 22nd
this month. These past two weeks have been
tough….just very busy with work and a clingy boy. By the end of the day I am DONE. So done.
John, however, is wonderful. He is really into interactive play right now
and totally lights up when I look at him.
There are times throughout the day when he’ll happily play by himself,
but there’s other times when all he wants is for me to play with him. It’s absolutely impossible to be frustrated
with a kid that just wants me to tickle him and say “Peek-a-boo.” Impossible. His independent play mostly consists of these
3 strange “games” that he’s really into right now. This is most of my day lately…
1) Dragging the chairs away from the kitchen table. Who knows why this is fun, but it’s pretty much
the best thing ever.
Doesn't it look fun?
2) Pulling every book off the book shelf in his
room. Whatever…if it makes him happy, go
for it. Not sure it counts as reading,
but he is technically really into books.
Not sure if I got every book on this shelf. Let me stand up and take a look.
3) Sucking on this red string that’s attached to
one of his toys. I swear he could care
less about two-thirds of his toys, but god forbid if the red string is out of
As of last week, John officially went to one nap
per day. I fought it for a while, but
realized that I’d rather one really amazing long nap than two kinda shitty 45
minute naps. This week was amazing…he napped
at least an hour and a half every day (and over 3 hours twice!). This is huge.
I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE that this will last because I’m desperate for predictability. It really makes both of us happier
This morning, John forgot that "he's down to 1 nap a day" and feel sound asleep in my arms at 9:00 am. I was not amused. And yes, this screwed me later in the day when he completely refused to nap. You know, because 10 minutes at 9:00 am is enough for the day.
John has finally realized that food is awesome and
will pretty much eat whatever we give him lately. He’s still not much of a meat eater, but
woofs down any fruit and vegetable we give him.
I think he prefers real meat (whatever I’m eating) over the pureed
jarred stuff. Can’t say I blame
him. I’ve given him small nibbles of my
food…chicken, turkey, cheese, bread…and he’s loved it all.
Crushing puffs like a boss
I’m still nursing him, but am down to 4 times a
day, sometimes 5. I still intend to get to 1 year, but lately I’m
so over it. I don’t know why, but I’ve
felt so frustrated and annoyed by it. It’s
hard to explain. I guess it’s easiest
just to say that I have a love/hate relationship with breastfeeding at the
moment and I’ll be glad once John is weaned.
Basically the same size as last month. He’s in the same clothes (9-12 months) and
diapers (size 4). He has maybe gained
about a half a pound or so. Everyone
said that the weight gain would really slow down once he started crawling. They were right.
Six. Well,
I guess 4 teeth and 2 that are just barely poking through, but are not quiet
out. Four on top, two on bottom. And no, he doesn’t bite me when nursing (I
know I’d be curious).
Amazing and luxurious. You guys, the cashier at Target said “Hiiiiiii
Princess” when we rolled up last week.
Hahaha. She was super embarrassed when she asked “her” name and I said “John.” He’s just a pretty boy.
Bud assures me that it’s not a mullet because then
it’d be short on top too. So the
question is….should I make it a mullet by cutting it on top and let it get all
Billy Ray in the back?
A sad one.
John had his first injury with blood this month. I cried.
He and I were happily playing in the living room
and fell face-first onto one of his toys.
It caught him square in the mouth.
I knew it was going to hurt. He froze,
looked at me, and then started this completely pitiful and weirdly high pitched
cry that I had never heard before. I
scooped him up right away and open his little mouth which already had blood in
it. He stopped crying pretty quickly and
I (naturally) called my mom right away.
She assured me that he’d be fine and that I wasn’t a horrible
After a drink of water (of course) and some rocking
in his room, he was fine. I was pretty
shaken though. I need to toughen up
before this kid starts walking and really hurts himself.
Favorite Picture:
Holding hands on a walk with my great-grandmother.
Grease is the word. You better shape up.
After his "injury" we went for a walk.
I can't get enough of this one.
I worked the Jacksonville Walk to End Alzheimer's on Nov 16th and Bud brought John to see me and support the cause. I loved showing him off to my coworkers, but it was even more fun to show him to all the Walk Participants that I've become close with over the last couple years. They were so supportive when I was pregnant last walk season so it was awesome to introduce them to John.
John just liked the beads I was wearing.
Look out Mardi Gras 2034, John likes beads.